Comment on Trans Activism

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

On one of the forums I frequent, I left the comment below, which I think makes a few important points about the transgender movement.

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I had an exchange with a poetry editor a year or two ago which was more incendiary than this [the subject of the article I was commenting on]. By the end, we were openly insulting each other. He was completely brainwashed by trans ideas. He would wax poetic over the horror of being 3 years old and trapped in the wrong body (as if he knew what that felt like). Early in the movement, transgender people did an excellent job of painting themselves as the most pitiful of minorities. They made gender dysphoria sound like the most horrible torture ever visited upon human beings by a cruel god. They gave the impression that at any given moment they wanted to crawl out of their skin, as if being a woman in a male body was the most horrible of all tortures. It took me a while to figure out that whatever suffering they endure is probably not much more than many millions of other human beings experience over a variety of issues. Suffering seems to be the human lot, and trans people don't have a corner on it. But they have very effectively convinced liberals that their suffering is so great that they must be given anything and everything they want in order to relieve their suffering. This poetry editor was aware of the bad things trans people were doing, but he excused all of it. (Well, he didn't fully understand what was happening with children.)  Like trans people, he just assumed that any child who mentions being uncomfortable with his or her gender is automatically transgender and must transition ASAP. What's REALLY happening, of course, is that trans people are trying to increase their numbers by pushing children to transition -- but the ballooning number of detransitioners is putting a kink in those efforts.


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