Letter to the Washington Post about Amy Schneider

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The stupidity at the Washington Post continues unabated.  They have repeatedly praised Amy Schneider for being the first "woman" to set a winnings record on the game show "Jeopardy!"  The problem is that Amy Schneider is a trans woman, meaning that she is a man.  Not only is she a man, she "transitioned" to being a woman just a year ago.  Here is the letter that I sent to the Washington Post, which they undoubtedly won't print.

Dear Editor:

Does the Washington Post care nothing at all about the truth any more?  In your articles about Amy Schneider, you keep trumpeting the fact that she is the new high earner among "women" Jeopardy! contestants; but Amy Schneider isn't a woman at all, having transitioned from being a man only a year ago.  Thus, her victory is not an accomplishment for women as a group.  Society has always wondered if women are the intellectual equals of men, and thanks to Amy Schneider, we still don't know.

So is this really going to be your posture going forward? — that every significant achievement by a trans women should accrue to the benefit of all women, even though trans women aren't women?

More and more trans women are not using hormones or having surgeries done, and what that means is that more and more trans women are just men in dresses.  That being the case, the possibility exists that trans women could not only break many of women's records, but might break some men's records too.  So let's say that some talented trans woman athlete comes along and breaks several men's athletic records.  What will the Washington Post do?  Will you print an article about how women are surpassing men in the world of sports?

If a trans woman who is not taking hormones breaks the four-minute mile, will the Washington Post print an article about how women have finally broken that long-sought-after goal?

The larger question is, how much longer is the Washington Post going to hold to a position which is obviously stupid?  The truth is very simple:  No man with a normal male body can become a woman, and no woman with a normal female body can become a man.

Yes, society should accept trans people, but we should accept them as trans people.  Why is that so hard for you to see?  And when a man living as a woman has an achievement, that achievement should accrue to the benefit of men.  Let the women — the real women — have their own victories.

The good intentions of the Washington Post to see trans women as real women is scientifically false.  It is no more true than the idea that Biden lost the last election.

*          *          *

I might as well take this opportunity to explain why I am so riled up about the trans issue.

First, as I detailed in another article, most of the stuff coming out of the mouths of transgender activists is self-serving, unscientific and nonsensical, and our society is already beset by too many bad ideas.  The idea that any person with a normal body can change genders is nonsense in itself.

That trans activists are full of self-serving lies is a reason to dislike trans activists, and not all trans people.  The problem is that your average trans person is echoing those lies — like Amy Schneider, who is happily accepting the accolades for being a "woman" who has set a new Jeopardy record, even though she knows she is not a woman.  This same reasoning exists with cops, and is the reason I have such a negative view of the police:  It may be true that only a small percentage of cops are bigoted and violent; but if the good cops support the bad cops, then all cops are bad.  Thus, a trans person who accepts the lies of the activists is also a liar, as Schneider has shown herself to be.

My real hostility towards trans people is that they are being obnoxious and demanding.  Here they are, 1% of the population (if that), and yet they expect the entire world to conform to their ideas about gender, to speak about them using a special language, to accept them as real men and women, and to allow them to influence how our children are reared.  In addition, trans women want to invade all of women's single-sex spaces, which would ruin the fairness of women's sports and compromise women's safety in institutional settings.  Furthermore, "cancel culture" is heavily associated with the trans movement, and we all know how obnoxious those scolders and shamers are.  My objections to the trans movement are outlined in more detail in my article, "Transgender People Are Seeking Acceptance in the Wrong Way".


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