Conservative Resistance to Vaccines

Saturday, October 30, 2021

I read an article in Slate about why conservative Christians are resisting getting their Covid vaccines.  Below is the comment that I left on the article.  I am posting it here because it conveys some of the philosophy found in the Seth Material:

I think that there are two things going on here:  First, you have the dynamic of an obstinate child refusing to eat his vegetables.  Too much pressure to do something will cause people to resist.  And then you have the influence of politics:  Not getting the vaccine is a way to give the finger to the liberals.  The obstinate Christians know that they are being stupid, but they want to win the political struggle. 

What's really changing things is the Delta variant, and seeing the death rate go up after everyone thought the pandemic was over.  Most conservatives are now facing the fact that they were being stupid, and they're just getting it done.

I want to address the issue of whether we really have free will, or whether our deaths are pre-ordained.  My religion is something called the Seth Material, the readings of a psychic named Jane Roberts who died in 1984.  Seth (the soul that the psychic channelled) said that at any given time, certain outcomes are more probable than other outcomes.  But we all have free will, which we exercise at every moment, and as we exercise our right to make choices, the probabilities change.  Here is a simple example of that:  If we live carelessly, the probability that we will die early as a result of our carelessness increases; but if we live carefully, the probability of dying early decreases -- so free will is always operating.  At some point of being on a path of either carelessness or carefulness, the probabilities come to fruition and we die either earlier or later.

But there is more to it than that.  In every life, we have certain "fish to fry" (meaning, lessons to learn), and those larger lessons must be confronted whether we are careless or careful.  But even then, we have some control.  If we face our issues willingly, the outcome will be better than if we resist facing our issues.

Once again, here is a simple example:  Let's say that you are living the perfect life, but you committed murders in other lives.  In this life, no matter how you live, you may need to experience being murdered -- not as punishment, but to teach you why murder is wrong (and there is no better way to learn that murder is wrong than by being murdered).  This is the true purpose of karma -- not to punish but to teach.

A person who needs to learn the wrongness of murder is not likely to survive an attack; but if you face the experience with a willingness to understand why it is happening, you stand a better chance of surviving it.  In other words, there are ways to learn your lesson without succumbing entirely to the experience (if you have the right attitude).

In my opinion, the Seth Material is the most rational theology in existence, and I wish it would become mankind's next religion, but not many people are aware of it.


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