
Saturday, March 16, 2024
This is the personal web diary of Perry, who lives in the East Bay of Rhode Island. Perry is my middle name, a name I don't use. This blog used to be listed under my first and last names, but I now have a conservative landlord, so I decided to play it safe (in other words, I don't want to be evicted!).  The articles on this blog are becoming increasingly controversial, though I think my point of view is always reasonable.  (continued...)

I recently saw a TV show which criticized anonymous bloggers for not having the courage to write under their own names.  I want to emphasize that the ONLY reason I am not using my full name is to avoid any chance of being evicted.  When I lived in New York City, I had a rent-stabilized apartment and could not be evicted, but I don't have that kind of security in Rhode Island.

However, it's important to note that anonymity has its value.  It allows bloggers like me to be more candid than they otherwise would be.  For example, given that I live in a small town, I probably wouldn't write so openly about being gay if I were publishing under my own name.  There are also other controversial topics that I wouldn't touch if I were using my own name.  So anonimity gives a writer freedom, and that's a good thing.

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The subtitle of my blog is "with thoughts on the Seth Material".  "The Seth Material" refers to the readings given by the psychic Jane Roberts from 1963 until her death in 1984 in which she "channelled" a spirit or soul who called himself Seth.  Seth spoke so much about God that the Material can be considered a religion unto itself.  Because of the sheer quality of the Material, I believe that Seth spoke the truth, and that we can look to the Material for answers to our existential questions.  Spreading the message of the Seth Material has become important to me because it is so positive.

When I say "quality", I mean this:  Unlike other psychic material, the Seth Material is never vague, pious or pretentious.  Over a 20-year period, the readings drew a highly original and consistent picture of reality.  Seth introduced many new concepts into the discussion about religion.  He was, for example, the first individual to explain exactly who God is, and what our relationship to God is.  He also provided information about God's early existence.  He is the first individual to explain how pantheism works (that's the concept that God and the universe are the same thing).  If you believe that "God is everywhere", as many people do, Seth can tell you how that's so.

If you want more answers than your religion is giving you, you should investigate the Seth Material.  Armed with the Seth Material, you can leave behind oppressive concepts like sin, judgement, eternal damnation and hell.  God really is a god of love, not a god of judgement.


Anonymous said...

Know that even if no one comments, your words and writing are being read far and wide. Like a pebble being thrown into a pond, this blog continues to echo outward to find its eventual reader. I'm one of them. And, somehow I arrived here.

Editor said...

Hello, Anonymous. I didn't notice your comment until January, 2023. I'm sorry. (The software should have notified me, but it didn't.) Tell me more about yourself.

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