Why Are American Voters So Stupid?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012
It is now less than a week after the first debate between Obama and Romney, and Romney is surging in the polls, surpassing Obama for the first time since the campaign began.  Yes, President Obama had a lackluster performance in his first debate, mainly because Romney is an aggressive liar who keeps changing his positions; but is that a reason to ditch a decent president and elect a man who is worse than George W. Bush?  Mitt Romney is a serial flip-flopper who changed all of his positions since his time as Governor of Massachusetts.  His positions are extreme:  He was against the bailout of the auto industry.  He was in favor of letting the housing crisis "bottom out" instead of helping homeowners with their sub-prime mortgages.  He wants to turn Medicare into a voucher program.  In the past he has expressed support for turning Social Security into a voucher program also.  Through regressive taxation, he wants to shift more money from the middle class to the upper class.  (Under his tax plan, his own taxes would drop from about 13% to about 1% if he continues to live off of interest income.)  According to most economists, his prescription for creating more jobs (by cutting taxes) wouldn't work, and it would bankrupt the federal government.  He wants to end the Affordable Care Act and allow millions of people to go without health insurance.  He wants less regulation of Wall Street, which would result in more financial fraud and a boom-or-bust economy with frequent recessions.  He wants a weaker Environmental Protection Agency, which would result in a dirtier environment and an increase in cancer.  He has little interest in developing alternative energy sources, which would result in more global warming.  He wants to cut back on worker safety laws, which would result in more on-the-job injuries and deaths.  And he wants to end funding for PBS and Amtrack.



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