The Entaglement of Particles

Friday, November 18, 2011
I am not a scientist, but I hungrily watch every show about science that PBS airs.  On a Nova show about quantum mechanics, they discussed the fact that two particles can become "entangled" with each other.  Once entangled, the particles then behave as if they are in communication even when they are separated by great distances.  Thus, as an example, when one particle emits a red light, the other will always emit a blue light.  Before they were entangled, this behavior didn't exist.  And this will happen even if one particle exists on earth and the other is moved to the moon.

The Seth Material provides a possible answer to this, but it is a metaphysical or philosophical answer that can't be tested by the usual methods.

First, some background:

Seth said that our physical universe (which is just one universe of many) has three dimensions:  a mental dimension, a physical dimension, and an anti-matter dimension (of which he said little).  According to Seth, our minds exist in the mental dimension, and our bodies exist in the physical dimension.  Seth also said that the very energy that forms everything in the universe is alive; what makes it alive is that it has consciousness.  (In case you have forgotten your physics, everything in the universe, including physical matter, is composed of energy.)  Seth also said that time and space are essentially illusions; they exist in our universe, but not in all universes.

So the explanation for entangled particles is fairly obvious:  They are mentally entangled.  No matter how far apart they exist in the physical dimension of our universe, they are always entangled in the mental dimension.  It is similar to the entanglement that can exist between spouses:  When one spouse is in danger, the other spouse intuitively knows.

The problem for science is that the mental universe can't be perceived by any kind of physical investigation, so its existence can't be verified.

There is another possible explanation for entangled particles:  The physical space that we experience in the physical dimension may be entirely illusory, much like the "space" that we experience in our dreams.  So particles that are separated by distance may not actually be separated at all.


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